Innocent Code: Reviews

If it doesn't scare the hell out of you then you're either very good or very stupid. [...]  Ought to be required reading for all web developers.

-- From a review by TechBookReport

In short, if you are a server side web developer then you simply must read this book. If you are a web techie then you will love this book - I did.

-- From a review by Andrew Blyth in Infosecurity Today

I'm tempted to go so far as to say that programmers who are not familiar with, and actually follows, a set of rules similar to those presented in this book, should not be allowed to write web-facing applications.

-- From a review by Information Security Bulletin

This book should arguably be required-reading for all web developers.

-- From a review by

Overall, this book servers as an excellent resource for introducing students in the Internet field who will be responsible for producing web applications and front ends to the dangers of not considering the security of their code.

-- From a review by Darren Mundy

Absolut lesenswert! (Absolutely worth reading!)

-- From a review by

In my opinion not only should web developers (including DBAs) and QA professionals read this book, but it should also be adopted by development organizations and projects as a part of coding standards.

The author manages a tight and very readable book that is addressed at the software developer. [...] I will be suggesting it to be one of our standard literature titles on the development floor.

-- From reviews on